Be Your Own Rock Star

As we contemplate our goals for 2016, considered these suggestions for recognising and navigating the stumbling blocks we sometimes are putting our own way.

Whatever day it is celebrate the good things and people in life! The last part of the year always feels like a mad dash to the end, whilst it a great time to reflect, it is also an opportunity to set new challenges. How do we measure our success and mistakes from the year past? Constantly berating yourself over things in the past stops you for moving on. Instead, turn them into something positive. Think back to the most recent experience where you felt you fell short, perhaps you messed up at work... write down three things that went right and that you learned that day. It is important to remember that we are not defined by one thing but by the accumulation of our experiences. For me it is to have the sense not to get involved with anyone who abuses and does not value time keeping.

As we contemplate our goals for 2016, considered these suggestions for recognising and navigating the stumbling blocks we sometimes are putting our own way.

For me it's all about being in control of my time, and yes time is the only thing we should be concerned about. The US business Magnate Warren Buffet said "the difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say no to almost everything". When you say no to something you don't want to do the thing ceases to exist.

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Having said the above, Sheryl Sandberg's book 'Lean In' acknowledges the most important quality of any leader is the ability to keep growing & learning. That success is a combination of hard work, help from others, and being in the right place at the right time. No one succeeds alone. So go out after what you want, if you do not ask the answer will always be a no. Go ahead step forward don't be at the same place you were a year ago. So raise your game and act like you belong there even though it may not feel like it sometimes. Remember successful people aren't constantly searching for validation, because they are confident enough to find it in themselves.

Here are some suggestions on a great way to rejuvenate the mind and plan for the New Year. Some ideas on what is going to be on my to do list:

1.Send a Happy New Year email or a short note to your network contacts. A wonderful way to bring your network up to date to what you are doing professionally. Perhaps some possibilities of work opportunity offers.

2.This is a good time for you to make a list of all the people who helped you throughout the year. Use the first couple of days of 2016 to thank them all.

3.Update all your social media profiles with a new head shot photo

4.Learn and try a new social media platform for me its Pinterest

5.Invest time in a new hobby

6.Master your calendar

7.Create a bucket list of the people you want to meet next year and some to avoid at all cost!

8.Create a vision board, love mind mapping with doodles, words and cut out pictures from magazines.

9.Compile a list of positive feedback from my clients and associates that I have worked with during the last year.

10.Finally get ready for 2016, invest in myself, my on-going battle with decluttering, because I like to recycle all my things.

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Start your year empowered with one of the most powerful word - Yes or No!

No to self-doubt, fear of not being liked, being judged and being a failure.

Yes, to the challenge, remember that effective navigation requires a map, a guide, and an intrinsic sense of direction.

Don't waste your energy complaining... There is a big difference between complaining and problem solving. Venting to your friends, family and work colleagues keeps you focused on the problem and prevents you from creating a solution. Grumbling on social media also implies you have no power over the situation, but also shows you lack power over your attitude. I love the New Year the fact that I will be leaving a whole year behind me, no matter if it was good, bad or average. I like that kind of closure. I love this feeling of opportunity and having a fresh year ahead of me, filled with exciting new experiences.

As a Muslim woman my own faith influences the way I interact with others. For me it's about treating people respectfully and not seeing people suffer unnecessarily. Encourage women to campaign for justice and equality, empowering the under represented and keen on speaking up for those whose voices aren't heard.

Here's to another great year ahead and I want to thank everyone who has joined me on my journey in some way, shape or form. Happy New Year!

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