Bristol Grime Artist Solo 45 On Trial For Raping Four Women And Filming Them

The artist, whose real name is Andy Anokye, denies all charges.
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A “violent and controlling” grime artist falsely imprisoned and raped four women, a court has heard.

Andy Anokye, 31, who performs under the stage name Solo 45, denies 31 charges against him including 22 counts of rape and five counts of false imprisonment.

The jury at Bristol Crown Court heard that Anokye “violently treated, bullied and sexually abused” four women over a two-year period.

Prosecuting, Christopher Quinlan QC told the jury: “He imprisoned, physically assaulted and sexually violated and raped four women.

“He filmed, for posterity, a great deal of what he did.”

Quinlan said each of the four women would give evidence during Anokye’s trial, due to last for five weeks.

“They don’t know each other,” he said. “Yet we say each of them suffered in similar ways at different times at the hands of this defendant.”

The court heard that after one of the women came forward to police with allegations against Anokye, he was arrested.

His mobile phone and laptop were seized and examined by officers, who then contacted three other women.

“What they disclosed to the police is, we say, reflected by the 31 allegations that he now faces,” Quinlan said.

“He physically assaulted, falsely imprisoned – that is to hold them against their will – and raped each of them repeatedly.

“We say he is a violent and controlling narcissist, a bully, a sadist who derives satisfaction and sexual pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering on women who we allege are his victims.”

Quinlan said Anokye was a grime artist and described the genre as “a form of dance music influenced by garage music”.

The court heard notable artists associated with this genre include Skepta and Stormzy.

“They don’t have anything to do with this case though their names will feature,” Quinlan said.

“He was known, or became known, to each of the four women through their knowledge or taste for music of that type.

“He will assert that the sexual conduct with each of them was at all times consensual and there was never any occasion where he did anything with them or to them to which they were not consenting.”

Quinlan said the musician “incessantly” questioned the women about their sexual history.

He allegedly waterboarded one woman, leaving her “petrified”, and claimed he had “tapped” her phone.

“What turns him on appears to be, at least in part, the tears and sobbing of another,” Quinlan told the court.

“He induced authentic tears and put the woman in genuine fear.”

On another occasion, he allegedly drove a woman to a secluded area and ordered her to remove anything that could identify her.

Anokye is said to have told the woman he had people in that area to shoot her - causing her to have a panic attack.

Quinlan claimed Anokye stabbed a woman in her leg and used a knife to strike her head repeatedly.

“He poured bleach in her mouth, he threatened to brand her with a hot iron,” he told the jury.

Police examining Anokye’s mobile phones and computer discovered searches for the term “dacryphilia”.

“Essentially it means sexual arousal from another’s fears,” Quinlan said.

“Tears and terror may have given him a sexual thrill.”

Anokye, of Millennium Promenade, Bristol, denies all the charges against him. The case continues.