Challenging and changing mindsets only way to drive change for women

Change is in the air. The status of women and gender equality in the workplace is firmly on the news agenda and we must seize this chance to push for real change now.

Change is in the air. The status of women and gender equality in the workplace is firmly on the news agenda and we must seize this chance to push for real change now.

I've just been reading about Kat Baynard's work at UK Feminista, which is helping to lead a resurgence in feminism. At their first event in 2004, they couldn't get 100 people to attend, this year 200 signed up on the first day it was announced. I find it really heartening to finally see so many women in this decade interested in steering change.

If last week's unrest tells us anything, it's that we've got to listen to young people and get them excited about what their future could hold. If we want a fairer and more equal society now, and certainly for the next generation of young women, we need to make feminism relevant and interesting to them.

My experience working to promote the role of women in business over the last 12 years has shown me that it's only by challenging and changing the mindsets, both of organisations and women, that we'll tackle the issues that are currently holding women back from achieving the same level of success as men.

We must show businesses that there are other ways of working that allow women to play a bigger role within this country's economic community. And we must challenge women to recognise that no matter what the attitude is of family and colleagues, the attitude that really counts in achieving your goals is your own.

What I particularly like about UK Feminista's work is that they offer practical help to women. It gives those who attend their events the skills and contacts, which are amongst the critical factors to affect change. Results are achieved in the doing and by giving such 'hands on' guidance to women, their work is likely to trigger real change.

We strive to do the same by supporting women on a practical level to get the best out of themselves - whether their ambition is to become a board director of a multinational or to set up their own business. We help women create a vision for themselves, ensure they have the right mental approach to achieve their goals and provide support and skills that help to generate long-term success. By enabling the individual, we will build the head of steam needed to power through new approaches and thinking for all aspects of life - home, work and the wider society.

Enough of the waiting game. I applaud all organisations helping women to move themselves forward. Their work will hopefully bring change sooner rather than later.