Charlie Bit My Finger: New App Could Make Parents Millionaires After Success Of YouTube Clip

Charlie Bit My Finger... And Made My Parents Rich

A cheeky baby who shot to fame for biting his big brother’s finger could make his parents millionaires thanks to a new app.

Charlie Davies-Carr became an online celebrity after footage of him chomping on brother Harry’s finger went viral.

Harry, who utters the immortal line: “Charlie bit my finger”, co-stars in the 56-second clip, which has now been viewed more than 400 million times.

It was shot in 2007 at the family home in Buckinghamshire and was intended for the boys' godfather, who lives in America.

Now the twosome’s efforts have resulted in their father Howard being taken on by Viral Spiral, a management company that capitalises on social media successes.

An iPhone app which allows users to upload pictures of themselves having their digits gnawed by Charlie is in the works, as is a series of children’s books and an animated TV series, The Sun reported.

The family had already earned more than £100,000 after appearing in ads and on talk shows, as well as overseeing merchandise including T-shirts, with the profits to be spent on the boys’ education.

Viral Spiral owner Damian Collier, whose company portfolio also includes a video of Fenton the dog, told the Daily Mail: “‘It all started after I had a meeting with Charlie’s father and was very surprised to learn that he was handling the hundreds of requests from media companies himself.

He added: "Viral Spiral has, as one of its central goals, the welfare of video-owners and the protection of them from exploitation - whether they feature children or otherwise.

"We do represent many parents, who come to us to ensure that the contracts/licenses they sign, contain adequate protection for them and their families, such as confidentiality over their address and other personal information, as well as contractual terms preventing the dubbing of their videos, or any other alteration or use, without their written consent.

"It is of course each parent's decision what they do with their content, and as a company we do not put pressure on any of them, to enter into any agreements or licenses."