Dale Farm: Six Still Chained in Traveller Site

Six Still Chained In Traveller Site

Six protesters are still chained to barricades inside the UK's largest illegal travellers' site.

The supporters remained locked on to cars and trucks behind the main gate and a road block inside Dale Farm, near Basildon, despite plunging temperatures.

A police cordon of riot-equipped officers remains in place inside and outside the site. The main gate is still standing.

One protester, Harry, who is chained to the road block, said: "Last night was pretty uncomfortable but it is worth it. We may just be delaying the inevitable but if we don't stand up to this, nobody will. I'm prepared to stay as long as I can."

Some travellers slept off the site but dozens remain there. One woman said she and her family were ready to leave once the gate is opened.

The main gate scaffold still stands and work is under way to demolish or open it before bailiffs begin removing homes from 48 unauthorised plots.