Female Weightlifter Vomits During Deadlift Competition, Carries It Off Like A Pro

A Female Weightlifter Threw Up Mid-Lift And Totally Worked It

A female powerlifter has shared a video of the awkward moment she projectile vomited in the direction of the judges during a competition.

But BlondeBeautyBri wasn't ashamed of the slip-up - on her Instagram she declared "I'm actually proud of myself for not giving up like most lifters would!"

Exercise-induced nausea and vomiting is actually quite common, caused by high or maximum heart rate, compression of the stomach while bending over, and a build-up of pressure on the body when lifting heavy weights.

Not only did Bri share the video of her powerlifting puke, she's also sharing memes people have been making of the moment.

"For people who don't understand powerlifting and the passion we as powerlifters train long and hard, beat our bodies up for 1 day on the platform and a total of 9 lifts you better believe after I covered the judge in vomit there was no way I wasn't going to get my lift," she wrote on Instagram.

"So to any lifters who have ever done any of the powerlifting trifecta on the platform (pee, puke or poop💩) keep on lifting because you trained way to hard for any of that to stop you!!"