Where to Find Free Kindle Books

If there's something that readers universally love about the Kindle, it's the fact you can get so many great books at great prices. What they love more, I assume, is that you can get a lot of good stuff for absolutely nothing too. Nada, zip, etcetera.

If there's something that readers universally love about the Kindle, it's the fact you can get so many great books at great prices. What they love more, I assume, is that you can get a lot of good stuff for absolutely nothing too. Nada, zip, etcetera.

However, there's as much free stuff to wade through as there is paid, and the new Kindle Direct Publishing Select programme means authors can run a free promo of their book for a couple of days, further saturating things.

Below are the three websites that I'd say do the best job of sorting everything out. Bookmark them, and read for free!

Pixel of Ink - Website

Pixel of Ink features at least three free books a day, commonly focusing its efforts on the most popular Kindle genres like Romance, Thriller and Mystery. They also have bargain book posts where good buys can be found, but like the rest of the sites on this list, these are usually paid adverts but with strict quality guidelines based on reader reviews. A lot of the site's biggest fans connect with it through Facebook, getting free book updates straight into their social timelines.

That felt like a very futuristic thing to say.

The site also has a section for free Nook books, for those of you that are from the US and prefer Barnes & Noble's eReader.

Kindle Nation Daily - Website

Kindle Nation Daily, or KND as it is frequently referred to, post 'Free Book Alert' articles everyday, giving you a comprehensive overview of the books that have moved to free promotions in the last twenty four hours. It has more 'bargain book' style posts than Pixel of Ink, but those loaded Alert posts will keep you busy for hours.

They also have a eBookTracker page, which is in beta, that allows you to track the sales and price discounts on your favourite authors. If you're a real bargain hunter, you should get this set up quick, and save valuable pennies when those price cuts hit.

Ereader News Today - Website

ENT probably has more in common with Pixel of Ink that it does Kindle Nation Daily, having four to five posts a day dedicated to free books. It also features book of the day paid advertising, and those books may well be worth checking out too. If you're just looking for the free stuff, then they have a page for that. Extremely convenient.

No fancy book tracker, but ENT is heavily present on Facebook.

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That's your lot! If you're reading this on the 9th or 10th of January, my first book 'Legacy Universe: Gentle Reminders' is also available free of charge at this page, or by clicking below.

Get downloading people! There's a whole wolrd of great free reading out there!