Gay Couple Pepper-Sprayed And Beaten For Holding Hands In Ukraine

Pepper-Sprayed And Beaten: How Gay Couples Are Treated In Ukraine

The shocking moment a couple of gay men were pepper-sprayed and attacked while walking hand-in-hand through the streets of Kiev has been captured in a distressing video.

Zoryan Kis and Tymur Levchuk were filming a social experiment for online magazine, Bird In Flight, to test Ukrainian's reactions towards gay men when the attack took place.

The experiment was inspired by a viral video from Russian pranksters, ChebuRussia TV, in which two men held hands while walking through Moscow earlier this month.

See the original ChebuRussia TV version below:

During the four-minute video, the couple are widely ridiculed for holding hands, with people taking photos of them and exclaiming they've "never seen anything like this before".

The pair decided they wanted to do something "more provocative," and sat on a park bench with Levchuk on Kis' lap.

They were then approached by a group of "neo-Nazi" men, who asked if the couple were patriots, before pepper-spraying them and carrying out the brutal attack.

One of the attackers can be heard saying: "It looks like they're fucking mistaking this place for America."