Gilad Shalit Gives First Interview After Being Released By Hamas (Video)

VIDEO: Gilad Shalit Gives First Interview

Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier captured by Hamas five years ago, has given his first interview after being released by the Palestinian group on Tuesday.

Speaking to Egyptian TV moments after his release the 25-year-old soldier said it was "difficult" to describe what he felt when captured by Palestinian fighters five years ago, but "felt that [he] would be facing difficult times to come."

"Obviously I missed my family, a lot and also I missed my friends. I missed meeting normal people to talk to them to tell them about my experience ... in captivity."

Looking pale and overwhelmed by developments, he said he was informed of his release one week ago, and that Hamas had treated him well.

When asked about his thoughts on the Palestinians still held in Israeli prisons he said: "I will be very happy if all these prisoners are free."

"So that they can be able to go back to their families, loved ones and to their territory. It will give me great happiness if this happens."

He added that he hoped the prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas would "help the conclusion of peace".

"And I hope that cooperation, links between the two sides will be consolidated," he said.