Gotye Parody 'The Star Wars That I Used To Know' Arrives (VIDEO)

WATCH: Gotye Meets George Lucas In 'The Star Wars That I Used To Know'

Darth Gotye, meet George Lucas. George Lucas, meet Darth Gotye. Now we're sure your differences can be resolved without anything terrible happening... oh wait, now you're singing.

That's right, the latest in a very long line of Gotye parodies sees the number one super hit Somebody That I Used To Know squaring off with a galaxy far, far away a long, long time ago.

You can see why YouTubers TeddieFilms made the clip - after all, it involves two of the web's favourite things: Gotye and Star Wars. That's like combining bulldogs with Adele... ah, someone's already done that, fair enough.

Anyway, there's more Gotye to be enjoyed below, should you fancy more facepaint-filled warbling of your morning/afternoon/evening/whenever you happen to be reading this. P.S. Do try this at home - it's fun!