Hugh Jackman Plays Ball With His Son Oscar In New York

Hugh Jackman: Family Guy

It’s been a fun-filled weekend for Hugh Jackman and family this weekend.

Oscar Jackman looked head-over-heels as he played with his dad in the park in New York.

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Mini Jackman looked head-over-heels

Father and son spent the day chucking an American football around, before Big Jackman left Little Jackman to hit the Tony Awards where he received a special accolade.

Oscar, 12, and his sister Ava, 6, were adopted by Hugh and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness.

Jackman looked quite the action man as he charged through the park wearing Terminator style shades and at 43, he's still looking good.

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In an interview last year the actor revealed how he stays in shape. "Over the past three or four years it's gotten a lot tougher," he said. "I have to eat a stricter diet. I have to train even harder. I can't get away with what I used to."

Doesn't look that tough to us, Hugh. Just take a look at the pics below.