Iraq Conflict: 14 Staggering Statistics That Show Just How Wrong Bush Was To Say 'Mission Accomplished'

14 Statistics That Show Just How Wrong Bush Was To Say 'Mission Accomplished'

It was the banner turned Donald Rumsfeld's face white with fear, in bold red and blue, fluttering on the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier above President George Bush - 'Mission Accomplished'.

How ominous that banner is now. Even with the routine suicide bombings of cafes, bus stations and mosques for the last decade, the fall of Iraq's second city of Mosul and other northern towns to the extremist militants caught the world off guard.

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The speech was given at the end of 'major combat operations' in Iraq, 10 years ago

Those closest to Bush during the time of the Iraq war knew the banner was misjudged. Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, later said he had taken care to remove any use of the phrase "Mission Accomplished" in Bush's speech itself. He told journalist Bob Woodward in 2006: "I was in Baghdad, and I was given a draft of that thing to look at. And I just died, and I said my God, it's too conclusive. And I fixed it and sent it back... they fixed the speech, but not the sign."

The 700,000 fleeing the violence, half a million of them from Mosul, is only the latest in the shocking numbers that lay bare the deep divisions and the extent of the violence in the country since the 2003 invasion, and just how misjudged the banner was.

Here, we examine the most heart-wrenching figures:

Iraq in numbers
33 civilian deaths from violence EVERY DAY on average since 'Mission Accomplished'(01 of14)
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Source: Iraq body count (credit:Getty Images)
1800 children died in violent attacks in 2013, ten years since the war began(02 of14)
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Source: War Child (credit:Getty Images)
1 million Iraqi children have lost one or both parents since the 'War on Terror'(03 of14)
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Source: BBC (credit:Getty Images)
584 people have been killed in violent conflict - in June 2014 alone(04 of14)
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Source: Iraq Body Count (credit:Getty Images)
There are 35,000 infants deaths every year in Iraq(05 of14)
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Source: War Child (credit:AP)
10% of the Iraqis have been displaced from their homes (3m people)(06 of14)
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Source: War Child (credit:Getty Images)
700,000 people have fled the latest violence in the north(07 of14)
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This comes eleven years after Bush declared Mission Accomplished in Iraq (credit:Getty Images)
16 people were killed in just one suicide attack in the capital on Wednesday(08 of14)
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(credit:Getty Images)
Three million Iraqi children suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (09 of14)
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Source: War Child (credit:Getty Images)
80% of Western fighters in Syria and Iraq are now aligned with ISIS(10 of14)
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Source: BBC (credit:Getty Images)
$6 trillion is the reported cost to rebuild the country in the next four decades(11 of14)
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151 journalists have died in Iraq since the country was invaded(12 of14)
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Source: Committee to Protect Journalists (credit:Getty Images)
265 medics and health care workers have been killed since 'Mission Accomplished(13 of14)
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Source: BBC (credit:Getty Images)
Zero weapons of mass destruction found(14 of14)
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(credit:Getty Images)