Jason Manford: How Showbiz Are You?

Jason Manford: How Showbiz Are You?

The former One Show host and 8 Out of 10 Cats panellist may be one of Britain's best loved funnymen and seem like an ideal drinking buddy, but has fame gone to his head? It's time to find out as we put him through his showbiz paces.

1. Who's the most famous name in your mobile?

I bet everyone says Jonathan Ross don't they? I'll tell you who I have got - Quincy Jones. I've never rang him in my life and I don't think I ever would but he's pretty famous.

2/5. *Googles 'Quincy Jones'*

2. Most bizarre thing you've ever read about yourself?

I read that I kicked off on someone at Ryanair because they messed up the ticket and I got there and used the phrase 'do you know who I am?', which you don't have to say when you are giving your passport to someone - they know who everyone is.

0/5. Still doesn't mean you can't use the phrase though, Jase.

3. How much is too much for a haircut?

I pay £40 but that includes a shave as well. Love a wet shave. Bit of a facial too. One time he even trimmed my eyebrow hair, which was a bit weird and did something with the hair in my ear which I actually cried about when I got out because I didn't think there was any there.

3/5. Haircut, facial and a shave? How very showbiz. The ear hair, not so much.

4. Katie Price. Friend or foe?

I work with Peter so I'm on Team Andre. I think you have to be, especially because he's my pal and you've got to back a pal haven't you?

3/5. Loyal.

5. Weirdest thing you've been sent by a fan?

I got sent a picture of a birthday cake and the picture on the cake was a girl's bedroom and on the TV was a tiny me. It was really intricate.

3/5. Very Alice in Wonderland.

6. Best party ever?

I want to say my mum's 40th or something but it's got to be Jonathan Ross' Halloween party. They're just fantastic and it's the only one I actually dress up for. Last year I went as a hunchback.

5/5. What were we saying about loyalty?

7. Ever used your fame to get what you want?

The other week on tour in Cardiff we'd gone to the theatre and there were about 12 restaurants and I was starving. We couldn't get a table because they were full of people going to my show, so I said to a waiter, not wanting to play the big I am, 'Look mate, this place is really busy because I'm at the theatre in two hours, so really I should be able to get something to eat.' I proper pulled the cards out and it worked.

5/5. What was he saying about using the phrase 'don't you know who I am?'

8. How much cash would it take to get you to pose in the buff?

I'd have to spend a year at the gym so I'd have to recoup my costs for that... I'd say a few million I think. I'd say about five.

0/5. Never gonna happen.

9. Best freebie you ever received?

I tore a ligament in my ankle once and went to the hospital that deals with all the Manchester football players. I had to have a big operation at the beginning of the year and even though it would have cost about 10 grand to fix, I had it done for free so I could carry on doing stand up. The flip side of free stuff is when a plumber comes to your house to fix your toilet, he bumps a bit extra on.

0/5. Free Bupa? Not exactly showbiz is it?

10. Ever been chatted up by another celeb?

Coleen Nolan from Loose Women. I think she wants me. I've been on the show a few times and I think it's me more chatting her up. Denise Welch is good. She was sat on my knee at the Pride of Britain Awards while I was chatting to Sally Lindsay. She may have been a little bit drunk but I was sat in her seat and, as a gentleman, I offered her it back and she said 'don't worry about it pet' and sat on my knee. I had a Loose Woman on my knee at the Pride of Britain Awards. It doesn't get more showbiz than that.

3/5. Jason, the clue's in the name! Extra points for naming names though.

Result: 24/50

He may seem down to earth with all the jokes and northern charm but don't be fooled by that Mancunian twang - turns out Jason can put on the the luvvie act when he needs to. He's got Michael Jackson's producer on speed dial but if he wants to top the showbiz chart, he's going to have to stop name dropping the likes of Coleen Nolan...