Mel Brooks To Get Honorary AFI Degree, We Celebrate With 10 Classic Clips (VIDEOS)

Mel Brooks To Get Honorary Degree - Here Are 10 Classic Clips

So the news has arrived that both Mel Brooks and David Lynch are to be given an honorary degrees from the American Film Institute (or AFI) to congratulate them on all their wonderful work over the years.

Now as we're comedy-focussed here at, um, Huffington Post UK Comedy, we're happiest about Mel Brooks' success - though hats off to Mr. Lynch too, of course - and so we thought we ought to gather together some of our favourite moments from his movies to share with you here below.

Needless to say, with this being Mel Brooks, it's nigh-on impossible to pick just 10 moments from throughout his life - you could pick 10 classic moments from just Blazing Saddles, for example - so we're got for the overview approach and picked at least one from each of his biggest films.

That's right, Dracula: Dead And Loving It, you didn't make the cut. Sorry about that.

Still, if you want to get your giggle on, click no further. Well, no further than the play button below, anyway...