My Miss World 2013 Application

You guys, it's that time of the year, when the prestigious competition MissWorld 2013 opens for applications. Yes! I can feel it - this is my year. As I am yet to become a UK citizen, I will first have to win the Miss Denmark round - easy schmeasy!

It's time!

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You guys, it's that time of the year, when the prestigious competition Miss World 2013 opens for applications. Yes! I can feel it - this is my year. As I am yet to become a UK citizen, I will first have to win the Miss Denmark round - easy schmeasy!

First, the conditions:

- You are a Danish citizen. (Check!)

- You are between 18-24 years old. (Check!)

- You are unmarried. (Oh, check, check, check.)

- You have never appeared nude/pornographically. (Ch... Check... It's not nudity, if there are socks involved.)

Then, the application:

Name: Sofie Hagen

Age: 24

Height: 5 ft 9

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Brown

Clothes size: 20

Shoe size: 8,5

Languages: Danish, English, Drunken Spanish, Drunken German, Drunken Italian, fake Chinese accent and "What do I need to do to get a beer around here?!" in Finnish, French and Russian.

Description of yourself: My whole life I've been wearing underwear, walking back and forth, waving, cutting ribbons and wanting to save the world. I am pretty much born to be Miss World.

At last, the obligatory five photos:

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This is me in a Chinese restaurant in Köln, Germany. (Yes, I travel a lot.)

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This is just to show that I can pose as well.

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I care about my body. Here I am eating one of my five a day. (There is spinach in the butter-pastry-thing.)

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For the talent-round, I will attempt (and succeed) in eating a whole croissant in one bite.

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Here is one of my favourite (in)activities. Eating cake. You should try it.

All that is left now, is to wait...

I'm kidding!

I'll be packing my bags. (The final is held in Indonesia.)