WATCH: Watermelon Explodes After Slo Mo Guys Wrap Rubber Bands Round It

WATCH: Watermelon Explodes Due To Rubber Band Pressure

Now, we've all occasionally found our minds wandering as we try to weigh up how many rubber bands we'd be able to wrap around a watermelon before it burst in our faces, haven't we? No? Ah, just us then...

Anyway, this brilliant new video from YouTube favourites The Slo Mo Guys shows exactly what happened after they'd spent 20 minutes applying rubber bands - the kind the postman drops on your driveway each morning - to a nice ripe melon.

Take a look as the melon explodes in glorious slow motion - shot on a Phantom Flex camera, fact fans - then sit back and admire 16 more amazing moments caught on camera (unless, of course, you'd prefer to relax by wrapping rubber bands around a selection of fruits instead)...