Taxpayer Puts Government's Pro-EU Leaflet On Ebay To Recoup 34p Spent On It

That'll show 'em.

The government recently announced plans to send an anti-Brexit leaflet to every home in the UK ahead of the EU referendum - all at the taxpayer's expense.

Leave campaigners panned the list of “facts” justifying staying in the European Union after it was revealed the 27 million leaflets had used up £9.3 million of taxpayers' money.

Needless to say, the Brexiteers weren't best pleased about their tax pennies being spent on the pro-EU propaganda. Ukip's Paul Oakley has even found one disgruntled taxpayer who is attempting to sell the leaflet on eBay in a bid to recoup the 34p cost.

If you want to scoop up the surplus booklet, you'll need to fend off other bidders and cough up 74p for postage.

In the description, eBay user jenseninterception says any additional funds on top of the 34p starting price will be donated to elderly peoples' charity The Cinnamon Trust.

They've also included the postal address for the Conservative Party's HQ in case other eBayers want to return their copies of the leaflet, and signed off the description in true Leave campaign style:

“Remember, the opposite of Brexit is EUrine. Don't pass up the opportunity to acquire this valuable piece of government urine-taking.”

- jenseninterception, eBay


The listing has come to light just one day after someone attempted to auction off prime minister David Cameron "for parts or not working" on the site, hitting £64,000 before being removed by moderators.

Other disgruntled Brexit fans have been taking the advice of Elvis Presley and returning the pamphlets to sender - with some scrawling very naughty messages on them.

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