Ethnic Minorities Reveal Why A Trump Presidency Sparks Fear For Them

'Will there be hate across the country?'

“It's like everybody just voted against who you are.”

This is just one of the reasons minority communities feel fear, upset and a lack of safety in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory.

The campaigning may have come to an end but as attention turns to the next four years, the rhetoric rings louder in the minds of the international community.

Fears appear to be justified with The Southern Poverty Law Centre recording more than 400 “incidents of hateful harassment and intimidation” across the country in the week following the election result.

The organisation’s president, Richard Cohen, told USA TODAY: “The white supremacists out there are celebrating his victory and many are feeling their oats.”

Ethnic minority communities here in Britain told us why they fear this behaviour could be mirrored in the UK. 

Mustafa Field, Director of Faiths Forum for London, told HuffPost UK: “You can’t ignore the [his] rhetoric around terrorism and some of it unfortunately fuels the ideas that Daesh [otherwise know as Islamic State] wants to create in many ways.”