Andre Woolery's Drawing Pin Art: Who Needs An Easel?

See Amazing Artworks Made Out Of ...Drawing Pins?!

Forget using pencils, paint or even iPads - to create truly stunning images, it appears all you need is some drawing pins.

These stunning artworks are the creation of American artist Andre Woolery, who specialises in taking every day objects and using them to portray black icons from pop culture.

Rappers Jay-Z and Kanye West, rock god Jimi Hendrix and President Barack Obama have all been brilliantly captures by Woolery, as you can see in our gallery below.

Really rather cleverly, he also made a giant replica of a one hundred dollar bill in which the face of Benjamin Franklin is replaced with Benjamin Banneker, a free African-American born in 1731 who went on to be an accomplished astronomer, mathematician, surveyor, almanac author and farmer. The piece - our undoubted favourite - is called All About the Benjamins.

The great thing about this kind of art is that it proves you don't need expensive equipment to create something meaningful and visually impressive - just a bit of time, patience and whatever you find lying around your boring office job.

Now we feel inspired to go and make a collage out of Post-It notes, or an abstract structure with some staplers.

On second thoughts, we're not sure Health & Safety would be too happy...