Anti-Abortion Campaigners Abort67 Given A Dressing Down By Pregnant Woman In London

Pregnant Woman Delivers Verbal Smackdown To Gobsmacked Anti-Abortion Campaigners

Anti-abortion campaigners in central London took a verbal shoeing from a heavily pregnant woman at a demonstration outside a health centre on Wednesday.

The video, posted to YouTube by blogger Sunny Hundal, was taken outside the Blackfriars Medical Practice, Southwark, a surgery that offers terminations.

Campaigners from Abort76, a pro-life group that employs hardline tactics, including the displaying of graphic images, had erected a large poster outside the clinic showing a 10-week-old Foetus.

The pregnant woman approached the group, who were allegedly using cameras outside the surgery to film patients, though the group said the cameras were employed to prevent opponents accusing them of underhand tactics.

"You are wrong in what you're doing,” she shouted. "You don't know why people are doing what they're doing, but you want to be out here judging and then filming."

The outraged pregnant woman then called one of the campaigners a hypocrite as she had earlier admitted to having an abortion.

“You had an abortion but because you're not happy with what you're doing, you're standing out here making other people feel guilty. When you had an abortion, that was your choice,” she said.

“Many people have been abused, you don't know what their reasons are for, so I think this is so wrong on so many levels.”

Andew Stephenson, the Abort67 director, defended his use of the banner, saying, "If abortion is just the removal of a blob of tissue then why would a woman feel uncomfortable about seeing it?”

"The fact that seeing abortion actually makes the whole of society feel guilty is the best evidence that abortion is far worse than abortion lobby has led us to believe.

"It is perverse beyond belief when the viewers' response to that is, 'how dare you show it to me' rather than, 'how dare abortionists do it to an unborn child'."