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Are You Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur?

Quiz: Are You Cut Out To Be An Entrepreneur?
Presented by Chivas
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Klaus Vedfelt via Getty Images

You like the idea of being your own boss. If you weren’t tied to your current job and had the chance to go with that killer business idea that’s been hatching in your mind for ages, you’re pretty sure of your chances of striking it big. But do you have what it takes to become a high-flying entrepreneur?

“A lot of it’s really difficult, and it’s stressful – especially when all of your life savings are in it,” warns social entrepreneur Josh Littlejohn, one of the panellists on The Venture, a million dollar global competition to encourage the next generation of social entrepreneurs organised by deluxe Scotch whisky brand Chivas. “Until you step off the edge of that cliff and there is no going back, you will never know what amazing doors will open up to you.”

It’s more a drive than a way to climb the career ladder, and the winners are always those who never waiver from their goal. Karen Lynch, another panellist on The Venture and founder of ethical water company Belu points out: “It will be the hardest but most rewarding job and time you have ever had – so be resilient. You need to be focussed and use your resources wisely.”

"Be really clear on your mission, but especially the plan to get there – then stay focussed".

Get it right, and you get to live the dream in a better world. Get it wrong, and you risk losing everything.

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