BBC Salaries Released: Twitter Reacts As Top Earners Including Gary Lineker Are Revealed


As the BBC reveals the salaries of its top earners - the subject is obviously the top trend on Twitter.

The list is due to be revealed at 11am but everyone’s already talking about it.

Piers Morgan said he is a “big fan of the BBC” but after Tony Hall revealed double the amount of men are earning more than £150,000 than women, urged the broadcaster to “practise what you preach”.

Obviously, everyone will have an opinion on the presenters they like and dislike, so former BBC Radio 1 stalwart Chris Moyles. who now presents Radio X, created this handy Tweet, anyone can tweak to their liking.


Some people said they wouldn’t notice if the BBC went off air.

While the BBC defended itself - revealing “something we may actually be biased about”.

However, some people called for the BBC to be subscription only.

Or for people to make a stand by not using it.

Others said while “brilliant” presenters deserve a good salary, “Tory bias pompous arrogant ones” shouldn’t.

A big topic being discussed by social media users is not just the potential gender pay gap, but the different between people at the BBC and public sector workers.

Others pointed out those who had been punished for not paying their licence fee.

It wasn’t just the BBC blowing it’s own trumpet either. Many are declaring their love for the BBC.