Britain First Parody Account 'British First' Goes Viral After Spoof Tweets Sent Amid Donald Trump Row

It's had more retweets than the group it's spoofing.

Britain First has had huge publicity and, it says, “hundreds” of people applying to be members, after Donald Trump tweeted three anti-Islam videos posted by the far right group’s deputy leader.

The fringe group is at the centre of a row between Theresa May, who condemned Trump for retweeting them, and the president, who shot back telling her to focus on the “Radical Islamic Terrorism” in the UK

But Britain First’s new prominence has appeared to have one small silver lining, by drawing attention to a parody of Britain First’s tendency to use of out-of-context, unclear videos and pictures to suggest Muslims are a threat.

Now the Britain First spoof account “British First” has 15,000 followers on Twitter, thanks to warnings like this - about how Muslim-trained pigeons are to blame for drunk-looking people falling on to train tracks.

The tweet about pigeons had close 50,000 likes and 25,000 retweets as this article went live, more retweets than any of the three Britain First tweets that Trump shared.

British First also revealed illegal immigrants are bringing dogs that make those who try to kick them fall into lakes.

British First also warns us that not only are Islamists dangerous, they are invisible.

Even people who impersonate snowmen at Christmas aren’t safe.

Nor are roadsigns.

To top it all, pretentious-looking guitar players who cruelly throw cats off chairs so they can sit and play on camera are in danger.

Like Britain First, British First’s videos don’t show what they purport to.

Of the three videos from Britain First’s Jayda Fransen that Trump retweeted, one claimed to show a “Muslim migrant” attacking a “Dutch boy on crutches”.

But the man in the video was Dutch-born, not a migrant.

When White Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had this pointed out to her, she said: “Whether it’s a real video, the threat is real.”

The Dutch embassy in Washington saw it differently. It tweeted to Trump: “Facts do matter.”