Dogs At Polling Stations Takes Over The General Election Yet Again

Who let the dogs out?

Just hours after voting opened in the General Election the event has already gone to the dogs, with a landslide of interest - not in voter turnout - but rather, what Britain’s hounds have been pictured doing - and more importantly, photographed wearing - outside polling stations.

While some voters were on Thursday still tossing up whether to vote for the Tories or Labour, #dogsatpollingstations was leading the conversation on social media.

And it’s easy to see why.

Barking about this

This Labrador gave a far more sombre pose at the polling station - a hint of sadness in the eyes could be detected - despite being decorated with a bow tie.

Brexit, after all, is something to bark about. 

There were other K9 costumes.

A tie, hat and ribbon left this pup looking like Jeremy Corbyn at a peace rally, while caramel-cutie Mavis, below, chose a simple Union Jack scarf to make her street style statement. 

How very patriotic Mavis. 

This King Charles Spaniel just hung around outside.

Not a care in the world. 

While this lot gave us some serious squad goals.

Who let the dogs out... who, who, who, who?

There was no arguing with this majestic beast. 


And of course the politicians, not content with kissing babies during the campaign trail, knew the value of a last minute snap with a cute pooch. 

Here’s Ruth Davidson being overcome with joy as the dog sighs at being used as a political pawn. 

Zac Goldsmith got down to the ground for this pic with a spaniel on Thursday.

Before double-downing on dog snaps with this little chap.

This time, however, Zac opted for a different pose, hoisting the hound towards the camera for maximum effect.

The dog refused to say cheese. 

Always time for a cuddle. 

But lets not forget the importance of voting, eh Ozzy. 

The Romanian immigrant “loves the small of democracy in the morning”, apparently, so much so that his owners needed to muzzle him. 

Lame pun alert - This dog was just itching to vote. 

And some more dogs, because, why not.

Dog stories need dogs like polling stations need, er, dogs. 

(Keep scrolling, there’s more pictures and commentary below)

And no dog scoop would be complete without a pug. 


Looking quizzically unamused, of course. 

But seriously.... get out to vote.