Ed Miliband On The Last Leg Destroys David Cameron Over Hot Dog Photo

Somebody get some ice for that burn etc etc...

Ed Miliband returned to prime-time screens last night in what can only be described as a sensational appearance on The Last Leg.

There were numerous highlights such as this recreation of Kanye West’s Bound 2 video with Kim Kardashian....

Not too mention the Ed Milli-Band...

But the real gem was an unscripted one-liner directed at former PM, David Cameron.

It came as Miliband was being reminded of that photo of him looking far from glamorous whilst eating a bacon sandwich.

In order to demonstrate such photographic mishaps happen to everyone, host Adam Hills brought up the time Cameron ate a hotdog with a knife and fork.

After co-host Josh Widdecombe and had a go ripping Cameron, Miliband cooly interjected:


“I think he's saying: 'Tastes better than it feels.'”

🔥 🔥 🔥

The former Labour leader was of course referring to the rather controversial allegations contained within a book written by billionaire Tory donor Lord Ashcroft in 2015 regarding a pig and Cameron’s genitals.

AKA #PigGate...

Welcome back Ed, we’ve missed you.