Edinburgh Fringe Comedy: 10 Questions With Paul McCaffrey

Paul McCaffrey's Edinburgh Tips

Paul McCaffrey returns to the Edinburgh Fringe with his second hour this year - and it's already garnered him a four-star review from Chortle. But what are his top Edinburgh tips - and memories? Check out his answers to our 10 Quick Questions...

Pitch your Edinburgh show in 25 words or less.

Four friends reunite for a music festival 20 years since they first went. Some funny shit happens at festivals - and my show's packed full of it.

Your best Edinburgh moment?

Shlomo and Michael Winslow last year were incredible.

And your worst?

The year before last, I was doing the Glasgow Stand the weekend after the festival finished. This meant I had to stay up for an extra week. Matt Forde and Seann Walsh kindly stayed for two days and kept me company - but once they'd gone, I really wanted to go home.

You've got one hour free in Edinburgh - what do you do?

Probably try to have a nap!

Which Edinburgh landmark/venue/place would you give a five star review to?

Chez Jules - lovely food.

Give us a secret Edinburgh tip!

If anyone invites you to the Penny Black: decline.

Deep-fried haggis or deep-fried Mars bar?

Neither - a wolfdog sausage. I don't eat meat any more, but when I did, I ate that. It's the next-level chip shop food: a sausage wrapped in bacon injected with cheese, deep-fried.

Kilt or trousers?

Depends who's wearing them - me? Trousers all day long, mate.

Arthur's Seat or Arthur Smith?

I've never been up either.

Complete this sentence: “In Edinburgh, I will be mainly...

...trying to get from my flat to my venue without getting my hair wet.”

Paul McCaffrey’s show Pills ‘N’ Thrills And Bellylaughs is at 21.20 at the Udderbelly - Wee Coo, 1-26 August. Find out more and book tickets here.