Fox News' Shep Smith Gets Beaten Up By Glenn Greenwald In Tense Interview Over Snowden (VIDEO)

Has Fox News Lost Its Teeth?

Has Fox News lost its teeth?

Last week, hosts Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren were heavily criticised by American conservatives for failing to land a glove on Hillary Clinton, despite the pair being granted a joint interview the bulk of which entailed Baier posing less-than probing questions to the former secretary of state on the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya in 2012.

On Monday, Shep Smith (Shep is a name, apparently) offered a similarly puppy-dog performance in an interview with Glenn Greenwald, the Fox host getting beaten up by the Former Guardian man after he asked if Greenwald thought anyone had died due to the Snowden revelations he helped publish.

“Fox reports have been accused of getting people killed,” shot back the often-twitchy Greenwald. "Careful," was Smith's only reply.

We await next week’s big Fox interview in which Bill O’Reilly asks John Kerry his favourite colour.