Hate The Gym? Try These 5 Alternative Workouts

Have you heard about 'gqomtherapy' yet?
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For some, gyms aren't our "happy places" –– but we would nevertheless love to lose a few kilos and be healthy and fit.

The good news is we do not have to visit the gym to achieve this. Thanks to water and the great outdoors, there are plenty ways to achieve our fitness goals:

1. Running

Running is free and can be done pretty much anywhere. It's a great cardio workout that torches calories. Plus, a run can be built from a simple walk, which turns into power walking, then a light jog and eventually a full-on run.

There are a number of running clubs all over the country that you can join, and awesome races throughout the year too.

2. At-home exercises

There are plenty of exercises you can download from sites like YouTube free of charge. Exercise instructors normally tell you which muscle group(s) you're targeting with a specific exercise. And because some of these workouts are as short as 10 minutes, not only can you do them at home, but you can still fit them in when travelling –– and even during your lunch break at the office.

3. Swimming

This is a great full-body workout, as you use all your muscles without lifting a weight. Unlike jogging, swimming is low-impact, which is a plus for all ages and body types. Water has also been proven to be very calming.

4. Dancing

Dancing is a whole-body workout that can be loads of fun, if dancing's your thing. It's great for your heart, and will help you with balance and coordination. Improved flexibility is also not a bad thing. There are many dance classes in the country, offering anything from ballroom to what is now called "gqomtherapy".

5. Hiking

Hiking is an effective cardio workout. Unlike walking on flat terrain, which does not require a lot of effort, hiking uses a number of muscles in the body, increasing your heart rate and metabolic rate -- thus burning more calories.

Others call hiking a mind-body workout, because it usually includes awesome and peaceful locations, which can be great destressors.