Having A Work Affair Is The Worst 'Business Sin'

What Are The Worst Business Sins For Bosses?

Wondering why things aren't going so well in the new job? Chances are you've broken one of the "seven deadly business sins".

Not surprisingly, sleeping with a colleague is listed by business analysts as the worst thing a new boss can do in their first three months at work. But refusing to play the political game at work could also have disastrous effects.

Life at the top can be a lonely place, warn leadership consultants First100, which probably explains why some figures are tempted to stray.

From political to sporting leaders, affairs at the top are often in the headlines.

But then even President Franklin D Roosevelt, whose legendary first 100 days in office is held by some as being ideal, was alleged to have had an affair with a family employee while he was secretary of the Navy.

The seven deadly "business sins" to avoid are:

1. Don’t sleep with a colleague (unless you are married or in a relationship with them);

2. Don’t keep referring to “how we did things in my old company”;

3. Avoid too many introductory meetings which you can’t follow up;

4. Don’t make decisions just for the sake of being decisive;

5. Don’t avoid sacking someone in the hope they’ll work out – they rarely do;

6. Don’t avoid playing the political game – everyone else is at it;

7. Avoid telling staff you’re going to spend your first three months asking questions.