Inside Your Earlobe Is A Terrible Place To Keep A Pet Snake

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There's no slithering out of this one.

An Oregon woman found herself in the emergency room last week after her pet ball python got himself stuck in her gauged earlobe.

Ashley Glawe said that she was holding the snake, named Bart, when he decided to dive into the hole in her ear.

"I tried to get him out myself," she told CNN. "And I knew I wasn't going to be able to without hurting him by pulling him back against his scales."

After a visit from the fire department, it was clear that Glawe needed to go to the emergency room.

Glawe shared a few pictures of her situation on social media. We'll forgive her for using some harsh language. After all, there was an actual snake stuck in her earlobe.

There aren't enough hashtags in the world to describe these feelings.

Medical professionals numbed the area, applied lube, and squeezed that pet reptile out of the hole in her ear. Bart, of course, acted like nothing ever happened.

Glawe has since been enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, sharing media accounts of her story on social media. Her original post to Facebook has gone viral, generating over 32,000 shares and 23,000 likes.