Living Mindfully With Colour

Living Mindfully With Colour
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Illustrator and artist Sena Ahadji stands next to shoes she has painted for bridesmaids at her cousin's wedding at the house where she lives and works in Accra, Ghana, July 24, 2015.
Francis Kokoroko/Reuters

Colour – like love – is all around. And has been for ages. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese built temples of colour to heal various ailments. They believed that if you focus sunlight through coloured glass on certain parts of the body that it clears energetic blockages that can heal you on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

One would sit and bask in the loveliness of colour, and feel like a new person when one leaves.

Today the Western world uses this ancient wisdom, otherwise known as the psychology of colour, mostly and effectively in marketing and advertising. This industry has perfected the art of subconsciously influencing how, what and why we buy. Have you ever wondered why most fast food restaurants have red in their logo and décor? It is because it creates a sense of urgency and red also increases our appetite. So they want you to order a big meal and get out in order to serve the next customer.

As a colour coach and therapist, I studied the hidden meanings of different colours and use it as a tool to help people identify the feelings, thoughts and beliefs that keep them from realising their dreams or repeating the same pattern. For example, if you have been unable to find or attract a romantic relationship, I can help you figure out the core of the problem or a belief – with the help of colour – you have around being loved and what you deserve.

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A visitor stands next to a painted reproduction of the statue of Paris the archer on display at "Gods in Colour" exhibition at the National Archaeological museum of Greece in Athens February 8, 2007. The exhibition displays 23 copies of famous ancient Greek marble statues and sculptures, reproduced in their true form - in strong colors of blue,red,green and yellow.
Yiorgos Karahalis / Reuters

I also teach people how speak the language of colour, and interpret and translate the colours that show up out of the blue (excuse the pun) into signposts on their path of self-growth and development, and to live mindfully.

One way of using colour to live mindfully – being fully aware of the present moment – is to become aware and consciously choosing the colours we use to paint or colour in (a worldwide craze at the moment).

Here is a guide of the colours that you can work with to assist you in releasing energetic blockages in your body, heart, mind and soul.


Work with red to eliminate negative thoughts. We often get stuck in the way we think without even realising it. When you use red to colour in it helps to get the energy or thought processes moving! Just make sure you channel your thoughts in a constructive direction. On a physical level, red is great for physical exhaustion. It re-energises and revitalises.


Lack motivation? Then orange is the colour for you. It assists in making decisions when you don't know which way to go. It gives your confidence a boost and makes you feel secure. Because it makes you more sociable and outgoing, your close relationships will improve. If you have had a shock or heard bad news work with orange.

Give your immune system a boost with orange, and use it if you have bladder problems.


If you find it hard to concentrate or your memory is poor work with yellow. It also helps to relieve nervousness and fearfulness. Yellow stimulates mental abilities, good ideas and clear thinking. Yellow makes you feel happy and good about yourself!

Poor digestion? Get your yellow on!


Do you feel restricted? Or are you suffering from emotional stress? Then green is the colour for you. It is restful, eliminates tension, anger and impatience, and creates stability. It promotes positive feelings, compassion and sensitivity. If you find it difficult to give to yourself of others green will do the trick. And if your heart is not in your work and you want to get connected again, try green.

Breathing and heart problems can be alleviated with green.


Constantly overreacting? Or do you have to spend time with people who drain your energy? Then blue will help you to feel calm and keep a safe distance. Blue is the colour of communication. So, when you cannot speak up for yourself or has a speech impediment, fill your pages with blue.

A stiff neck, tension headaches and ear, nose or throat problems can be treated with blue.


Negative? Critical? Distrustful? Dark blue or indigo enables you to find peace, fulfilment and joy inside yourself. If you feel uncertain about a new situation, take up the indigo pen, pencil or paint. It is also great for cultivating and trusting your intuition.

If you feel restless or sad, give indigo a go.


Feeling guilty, worried or inadequate? Or do you tend to be judgmental? Violet assists in seeing the bigger picture. It helps to develop one's spirituality. It helps restore faith in humanity and the divine. It is also great for getting in touch with your dreams and using your imagination.

Violet is awesome for insomnia, nightmares and migraines.