Why I Will Be Joining The Million Mask March On 5th November

We are more than just cattle who keep the cogs of capitalism grinding, we are beautiful creative beings capable of great things. The average person does not want wars, mundane repetitive tasks and destruction.
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On the 5th of November Anonymous will once again take to the streets, and I for one will stand along side them. I am not a thug, I am a mother and a community worker.

I will march because I know mankind can do so much better than we do. I will march for people to have a quality of life beyond work, to save my kids from crippling debt for just an education, for the tens of thousands of sick and disabled who have died in the name of austerity, for those thousands now facing extreme poverty and homelessness, for those we have destroyed and displaced by meaningless yet profitable wars, for our beautiful planet raped for its resources and dying in front of our eyes, for our NHS, for justice, information and freedom for all and mostly for me: for this is my one life and everything about it is so wrong at the moment. In my heart I know we can do so much better.

We are more than just cattle who keep the cogs of capitalism grinding, we are beautiful creative beings capable of great things. The average person does not want wars, mundane repetitive tasks and destruction. They want an easy life full of love, family and passion, they want to live and taste every moment!

I march in hopes of change, to stick my fingers up to those who scrounge of the backs of the working men and destroy unity for their own ends. At the Million Mask March hundreds of thousands will show their distaste for tyrants around the globe, a unified fuck you to the 1% and those who have everything of the backs of the peoples blood and sweat, those who do everything to avoid their own social responsibilities and taxes.

Nothing will change overnight, but every year we get bigger. Anonymous' support has reached millions online, and along with other activist groups you are already seeing people are becoming disillusioned with the current political systems. In many ways the people are out growing the backwards playground politics, greed and capitalism. I believe there are alternative systems and that humanity can't continue as we are, we are a finite planet of limited resources.

I believe when the government refuses to listen to the people, it is the peoples' duty to take direct action for change. All the rights we currently have are ours of the backs of the brave unsung heroes of our past who fraught for them, the government has never let go of a power without a fight. The Million Mask March is a chance for the world to see our fight that continues day after day online.

This year I will also be standing for Lauri Love, another beautiful soul facing persecution and extradition for a political online protest. I shall stand in solidarity with all political activist being detained for trying to make the world a better place.

The people united can never be defeated, you cant arrest an idea.