FOX Traffic News Reporter Caught Going To McDonald's Drive-Thru Live On Air

News Reporter Caught Going To McDonald's Drive-Thru Live On Air

Getting caught doing something you shouldn't be doing at work is bad enough, but this traffic reporter was unlucky enough to be caught at the drive-thru the moment he went live on air.

With perfect timing, FOX45 Baltimore's Traffic Jam Jimmy was broadcast asking "is it too early to get a fish sandwich?"

The traffic reporter had been stuck on the road since 4am, prompting him to pull off the road and into a McDonald's.

He was awkwardly attempting to order a Filet-O-Fish at the exact moment the studio cut to a live feed from his dashboard.

Sadly for the orange-bearded newsman, McDonald's was still only serving breakfast so he needed to order a McMuffin instead.

He still managed to do his report though, simply saying "stay put, it's bad out here".

To be fair to him, it's his job to get stuck in traffic so he deserves to brighten things up with a quick fish sandwich every now and then.