Scott Lively, Anti-Gay Crusader, Returns To Russia To Stir-Up Some Hate

Anti-Gay Crusader Returns To Russia To Stir-Up Some Hate

Scott Lively, the American missionary behind Uganda's "Kill the Gays" bill, has returned to Russia.

Though facing trial for crimes against humanity for his role in Uganda’s anti-LGBT movement, Lively is determined to give a helping hand to Russia's crackdown on LGBT rights.

On his blog the anti-gay activist revealed the charming details of his week-long “mission to bolster the Russian pro-family movement.”

The trip has been prompted by a meeting of a planning committee for the World Congress of Families summit which will be held in Moscow next year.

The organisation convenes specifically to exchange ideas on topics such as combating LGBT rights and reproductive rights.

Lively, who has previously likened Russia’s battle against the “homosexualist movement” to the country’s fight against Nazi Germany has described how Russia – which has recently seen an increase in violence against gay people – as going through a "Christian revival."

Lively wrote that he appeared on a television show with Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov, head of the Orthodox patriarch’s Commission on the Family, revealing that Smirnov has offered to help him find a publisher for his 1995 book, The Pink Swastika.

The questionable book claims gay men in the Nazi party was responsible for the holocaust.

Lively promises to “devote 50% of earnings from this book to promote the pro-family movement in Russia and the former Soviet countries.”

“Given the Russian attitude about homosexuality, and the still-fresh memories of Nazism in the Russian population, this book has significant potential to further harden resolve against the homosexualization of Russia and the countries in its orbit," he said.

Lively also proudly once again took credit for Russia's “homosexual propaganda” law, claiming, “I proposed just such a law during my 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006-2007.”

He is promoting a strategy to help thwart the "evil plan" of LGBT-rights supporters from “rainbow bomb[ing]” the Sochi Olympics by using the pride flag to protest the propaganda law.

He urged “pro-family leaders and advocates everywhere to start using the rainbow again … [to remind] the world of its true meaning” as the a symbol of the biblical covenant between God and Noah in the Old Testament.

“The global homosexual movement, in cooperation with the leftist media, is making a final gambit to gain exclusive control of the rainbow symbol,” he warns, proclaiming, “The Rainbow Belongs to God.”