Syria: Lebanese Politicians Brawl On TV Over Syrian 'Massacres' (Video)

WATCH: TV Debate In Lebanon Turns Violent

The protests in Syria have caused debate throughout the Arab world, with denouncement and support in equal measure.

In neighbouring Lebanon, the debate has been particularly fierce with pro and anti Assad street demonstrations common.

However, one of the liveliest debates on the crackdown was held on Lebanese state TV, with Fayez Shukur, head of the (pro-Assad) Baath Party in Lebanon and Moustafa Alloush, an (anti-Assad) politician coming to blows.

From the off, the pair engaged in heated exchange, with Alloush calling the Syrian President a "tyrant and a criminal". Shukur responded by calling Alloush a "liar".

Alloush then upped the ante and told Shukur to "eat shit".

What followed was a classic studio fracas, with the host, Walid Abboud, playing peacemaker.

It transpired before the show the pair had been locked in a twitter war, frantically tweeting their respective support and dislike for Assad.

Reports indicate the chair was undamaged.

You can watch the melee below: