The Best Investment You'll Ever Make

A lot of people switch off when someone tells them they should 'love what they do' but I genuinely find it shocking that anyone would fulfil a role for 35 hours a week that does not leave them feeling satisfied, valued and content.

A lot of people switch off when someone tells them they should 'love what they do' but I genuinely find it shocking that anyone would fulfil a role for 35 hours a week that does not leave them feeling satisfied, valued and content.

We spend the majority of our lives working, that's why it is so important we find something we're really passionate about, something that makes us excited to wake up in the morning and embrace the new adventures each new day brings.

Lots of people I meet tell me how they 'fell into' their jobs. How, despite working for 15 years, they always wanted to try something different but never did because they had work and family commitments.

Of course, it's essential you earn a living and not everyone has the luxury of choice around the type of role they do. However, the thought of dreading your working day, every day and denying yourself of your own dreams seems absurd to me.

I understand that it's not that easy. Not every can wake up in the morning and think "You know what, I don't want to work in pensions anymore. I think I'll become a dog walker". We work in order to live a better life, but one of the most important things to always keep in mind - especially when assessing your career - is the act of setting personal challenges and working towards something.

We all want to feel as if we're doing something worthwhile and that we're appreciated at work. As a manager, I know how important training is for the development of my staff. That is why I've spent the last couple of years developing Recruitment Guide, the world's first training application dedicated to the recruitment profession. I've been in recruitment for 30 years and during this time, the most significant issue within the market has remained the same; our retention rates. Every year there's a churn of around 25% who leave the sector altogether. I wonder how many other industries face the same fate? How many sectors are beset with employees who are plodding along and dreaming about doing something else?

So, how do we improve this? It's simple - invest in training.

So many people I meet in recruitment started with nothing but a phone and a list of names to call - no wonder people leave so quickly! They're not trained effectively and they don't feel as if they're appreciated - they're just another number and cog in a corporate machine.

I can't imagine this is the only sector which has this problem. Managers need to invest in training if they want their teams to feel motivated and succeed. Not everyone is lucky enough to have managers that invest in them, and if that's the case for you then definitely take control and invest in yourself!

If you've always wanted to learn how to code, or project manage, what are you waiting for? Do it!

Upskilling like this can only be beneficial for you in the long run. It might help you to discover new skills which could lead to a more exciting career, or help you find a new appreciation for your existing one.

Without determination, drive and a big dose of 'get up and go', things will remain the same. So embrace change, challenge yourself and invest in your own development, it might just be the best investment you ever made.

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