The One With Fathers Day

The One With Fathers Day

This is my Father's day tribute to the boy's Dad. Not only is he the best father in the world but the best husband in the world.

One of my strongest memories of the day the boy was born was when we were back on the ward and I lay there with the lower half of my body still in shock and the upper half of my body desperately trying to cope with the loss of the lower half!

Hubby picked our new baby up from the crib and held him in his arms, with tears in his eyes he looked at me and said

"Thank you. This is all I ever wanted. To be a Dad."

I cried too and I'll never forget that look between us. Love, joy and sheer panic!

So today I'm thinking about people who no longer have a Dad or never had a Dad. I'm thinking about all those single Mum's who do an amazing job being both Mother and Father to their kids, for whatever reason life has given them this challenge, and knowing that, it isn't just that I couldn't do it alone, I couldn't do it without Hubby!