The World's So-Called Best Chips Have Been Revealed

But are they as good as Chipniks when it comes to scoring more than your fair share of dip? Of course they aren't...

The world's best chips have been voted for by the international public — and incredibly, Simba Chipniks (the best dipping chip EVER — fact!) haven't even made it into the top 10.

This national travesty comes courtesy of website Ranker, which lets the general public vote for their favourite things in the form of global rankings.

The title of the world's favourite chips went to Cheetos — the universally adored snack of choice for the U.S. and much of the world.

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In second place was the Cool Ranch Dorito (another travesty) and in third place was Lays Classic Potato Chips (the U.S. version of Lays Salted — and about the first one we can agree on).

Lays Salt and Vinegar finally make an appearance at number 18. That's right, the world mistakenly believes there are 17 flavours more superior than the classic that is Salt and Vinegar.

In case you're wondering, here's the top 20 in descending order, according to the 142,000 votes that have been placed:

  1. Cheetos

  2. Cool Ranch Doritos

  3. Lays Classic Potato Chips

  4. Lays BBQ Potato Chips

  5. Ruffles Cheddar Sour Cream

  6. Original Pringles

  7. Pringles Sour Cream and Onion

  8. Fritos Corn Chips

  9. Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion

  10. Sunchips Harvest Cheddar

  11. Pringles Cheddar Cheese

  12. Spicy Sweet Chilli Doritos

  13. Funyuns

  14. Lay's Sour Cream and Onion

  15. Fritos Chilli Cheese

  16. Fritos Honey BBQ Twist

  17. Pringles Pizza

  18. Lay's Salt and Vinegar

  19. Pringles BBQ

  20. Doritos Nacho Cheese