Theresa May Delivers Housing Speech 'Looking Like She's Stuck In A Chimney'

Just another awkard set design blunder

In the latest edition of “have they actually thought this through?” Theresa May has delivered a speech on housing from a wobbly lectern against a backdrop of fake bricks.

Far from delivering on the Tory “strong and stable” mantra, the staging prompted concerns from many a journalist for her safety... and a niggling suspicion she may be stuck.

And for those having trouble visualising this...

Aside from the possibility that a Downing Street aide recently watched The Thick Of It believing it to be a documentary, much of the debate online has centred around the thought process for the set design.

There were also some suggestions for what didn’t make the cut.

It’s not the first time the Conservatives have run into set design problems. In October May was widely mocked after the stage started to fall apart around her as she delivered the main speech at Conservative Party conference. 

Standing in front of the slogan “a country that works for everyone”, letters began to drop off one by one during the calamitous presentation.  

This time, the PM was actually trying to make a point warning developers they risk losing bids for planning permission if they have a record of failing to build houses.

May claimed successive governments had “failed to build enough of the right homes in the right places”.

After a week dominated by Brexit, May wanted to use the speech on Monday to attempt to shift the focus to her domestic agenda, with an attack on the “vicious circle” of rising house prices.

But y’know, the bricks.