Torture by Governments

Here we have it, finally confirmation that there was a systemic structure to torture, detain, kidnap, take hostage, abduct, abuse and dehumanise any thought process. Who was allegedly doing this? Our protected and trusted allies...

Here we have it, finally confirmation that there was a systemic structure to torture, detain, kidnap, take hostage, abduct, abuse and dehumanise any thought process. Who was allegedly doing this? Our protected and trusted allies through the very agencies designed and sold to us as our saviours against the so called bad guys. What is really horrifying to most of us, who are genuinely proud of our societies and our values, is that this was allowed systematically and hidden and denied by our governments.

Yesterday was International Human Rights Day, how then does this sit with our political masters who continually spout on about human rights, decency, British and democratic values when they openly flout these very principles and fight to have them hidden by claiming they will help our enemies. This incredible reason shows the mindset and lack of total understanding by the governments as to what they have done and what levels they have stooped to. Out of touch, hypocritical and full of double standards in the torture programmes.

Let's take our PM, his said that some 'bad things' were done post 9/11. Bad things are when you swear or throw your rubbish on the streets not when you commit criminal offences. That is criminality and, when it is carried out by Governments or its officials, it becomes systematic and unacceptable.

Are we ever going to able to look at the world again and preach about human rights, humanity, decency and democracy?

Our part in this crime needs to be honestly and transparently investigated and dealt with, even if means openly bearing the abuses by our agencies in Britain. This has got to be one of the darkest days in history; to find that governments who claim to stand for principles of human rights and champion them, have actually been abusing our trust. We appear to have had allies in this dark trade, countries such as Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Poland and Algeria have all been known for their abuse to law, democracy and humanity, yet we chose them specifically knowing what was happening or going to happen to detainees in these regions. Is it no wonder the world is confused with the status of the so called 'war on terror.' The disproportionate actions from the bombing, killing of civilians, lack of accountability and now criminality. The word denial is lenient when there appears to be a thread of deliberate actions and systems to facilitate, propagate and abuse people and our values.

Our PM talks of British values, protecting them and enshrining them at every level, especially in schools and communities, yet, one of the core values is humanity, and not supporting or torturing individuals. It's time we stood up and took full responsibility for our actions, openly and clearly. Whilst it's unclear as to the depth of our security services, we have examples where failures have been found with no action as regards criminality.

I talk of the rendition of Libyan opposition members to Ghaddfi, British citizens held in Guantanamo like Moazzam Begg, treatment and role played services in the journey of Lee Rigby's killers. Last week the Independent Committees report on Woolwich raised concerns about the lack of transparency and cooperation of some of our security services, it went further to challenge their reasoning and cooperation with the committee.

Hiding behind the so-called 'damage' it may do us is a weak and over-used excuse. Whilst I'm sure it would damage us in some quarters, disclosure and transparency will win us far more friends, particularly in areas of the world that need an example and look to Britain to show them leadership.

Britain does not do torture and we need to be clear not just in words but deeds too, time to be honest. If we have veered off the path, time for a review but this includes holding those to account who led us of the correct path and ensure it never happens again. I can safely say that I am ashamed about what has been done in my name. Enough is enough, it needs to stop.