Trevor Noah Breaks Down Why Donald Trump’s Tweets May Be A Necessary Evil

Noah broke down just why he believes Trump’s posts may actually end up contributing to the greater good.

"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah doesn't think President Donald Trump's vicious tweets are actually "the worst thing in the world."

Trump sparked outrage on Sunday morning after he shared a meme that showed him hitting a golf ball which ended up striking Hillary Clinton:

On Monday, Noah broke down just why he believes Trump's posts may actually end up contributing to the greater good. He noted how Trump retweeted a series of incendiary posts right after he started making deals with the Democrats, possibly as a way to appease his infuriated base.

"So to make them happy, he throws them a mean GIF or two," said Noah. "I don't know about you but I feel like this is a trade that I can live with. Trump gives his followers offensive tweets, and then he gives the rest of America policies that move the country forward."

Check out the full segment above.