Woman Calls Out H&M For Small Sizing After Failing To Get Size 14 Jeans Over Her Thighs

A woman has slammed H&M for selling clothes she believes are smaller than their labelled size, saying the chain’s sizing policy does not “empower women”.

A woman has slammed H&M for selling clothes she believes are smaller than their labelled size, saying the chain's sizing policy does not "empower women".

Rebecca Parker, 24, was trying on a pair of size 14 jeans in H&M's Newport, South Wales branch recently when she struggled to pull them over her thighs, despite wearing a size 14 in other high-street stores.

In an open letter to H&M, posted on Facebook, Parker said she felt "deflated and disappointed" after the experience. "The more I thought about it, and those jeans, I realised it wasn't my failure that prevented me from pulling on a pair of trousers, but yours," she said.

"I am very proud of my body. It has taken a long time, but I am thoroughly content with my large hips, squishy thighs and little tum, thank you very much. When I tried on your jeans I was annoyed, hot and frustrated. The pair of jeans clearly were not made for a woman who is a size 14. Why is that?"