16 Lady Gaga Moments You'd Forgotten During Her 10 Year Career

Prepare to feel old, as it has been 10 whole years since Lady Gaga burst onto the then indie-heavy music scene and made us all fall in love with pop again.

Prepare to feel old, as it has been 10 whole years since Lady Gaga burst onto the then indie-heavy music scene and made us all fall in love with pop again.

Her debut track 'Just Dance' was first released in her native America a decade ago this week, and in the years that have followed, she has cemented herself as one of the biggest stars in the world.

As a result, her every move has been photographed, committed to YouTube or splashed across the front pages, but as we celebrate Mother Monster's 10 year anniversary, we've unearthed some of the less-remembered moments from her momentous career to celebrate the milestone.

Her first UK TV performance

Way back on 18 January 2009, Lady Gaga made her first appearance on UK TV, performing 'Just Dance' on an episode of the now-defunct (but also much-missed) 'Sunday Night Project', alongside Alan Carr, Justin Lee Collins and Catherine Tate.

While Gaga had released 'Just Dance' months earlier in the US, she remained an unknown in the UK until the track was released just before Christmas 2008, going on to knock Alexandra Burke's 'Hallejulah' off the top spot a few weeks later.

NME's massive U-turn

Like many other 'pop' music acts at the time, Gaga found herself criticised by indie obsessives NME, who named her 2011 album 'Born This Way' the Most Pretentious Album Ever. She then deepened this rift between them by calling them out about the irony of it all on Twitter.

But fast-forward four years, and Gaga had not only scored a cover interview with them to promote her album 'Joanne', but her latest musical efforts proved a hit with the music mag, scoring a four-star review.

Shaving the back of her head to get the most painful tattoo