Angelo Dundee Dead: Trainer Who Stopped Henry Cooper Beating Muhammad Ali Dies

Angelo Dundee Dead: Trainer Who Stopped Henry Cooper Beating Muhammad Ali Dies

Angelo Dundee, the boxing trainer who lead Muhammad Ali to glory has died at the age of 90.

He is thought to have died of a heart attack after suffering from a blood clot, which saw him hospitalised in Florida.

Ali - or Cassius Clay, as he was known then - had been trying to regain his composure after being knocked down by Cooper in the fourth round.

Noticing a small slit in Ali's glove, Dundee used his fingers to open the tear, pointed it out to the referee and gained Ali valuable seconds of recovery time while an alternative pair of gloves was sourced.

Dundee's actions saw Ali gather his wits and knock Cooper out in the fifth round.

Dundee, who also trained Sugar Ray Leonard, was present at Ali’s 70th birthday party last month, the AP said.