Chinese Billboards Warn Locals 'Not To Photoshop Officials Into Porn'

'Stop Photoshopping Our Heads Onto Porn' Chinese Officials Demand

Chinese officials have apparently erected a huge billboard in the Shuangfeng district, warning locals to stop photoshopping the faces of officials onto pornographic pictures, in order to blackmail them.

The broadcaster said that in 2012, more than 120 blackmail cases were reported to Shuangfeng police.

Police have arrested members of four difference blackmail gangs, and confiscated more than 30 computers and 300 credit cards, officials of the city of Loudi said.

The total amount of money extorted, according to the police, was around £4.7m.

The billboard, erected in Loudi, warn that police will "Decisively crack down on the crime of exploiting Photoshop technology to blackmail people with compound pictures, in order to establish a good image of Shuangfeng," according to France 24's translation.

First reported on Hunan TV, the poster, which cannot be independently verified by The Huffington Post UK, appears to show an fierce-looking image of a police woman, standing next to the slogan.

Hunan News Network said the posters had generated a huge amount of discussion on Chinese social networking sites.

The Daily Dot reported that this is just the latest in series of measures aimed at preventing blackmail of officials, with the city having held a convention on the issue in February.