Customer Experience or Customer Expectation

Customer Experience or Customer Expectation

Businesses are more than ever trying to team up with different agencies and vendors to ensure their multichannel marketing drive the best possible ROI. It is a very competitive marketplace out there and brands are working hard to win their customer attention in so many different forms such as TV advertising, digital marketing or being creative on social media. However, not every brand is satisfied with the end result; despite the demand and expectations they might have created amongst their target audience.

Businesses want tangible result after their marketing budget spent, but as you know the bigger the budget may not necessarily translate to the best result. Maybe the best possible way to ensure optimal result is to analyse and evaluate consumer behaviour. This is not a difficult task by the way; almost every business has data about their marketing activities as well as their customers. If brands use such data to improve customer experience, they will enjoy a better marketing return.

People make purchasing decisions based on past experience and even other people's experience; because they talk to each other online and ask friends and family about their experience with a particular brand. So, interaction and building meaningful relationship with customers create experiences which undoubtedly pay dividends. By creating experience, brands can expect positive word of mouth and customer referrals, which according to eMarketer is the most effective marketing tactic.

People always remember both good and bad experience with brands and usually share their experience online and offline. Brands respond to their customer feedback are highly likely to be trusted and remembered. So it is important for brands to ensure that they create customer experience rather than customer expectation alone.