Donald Trump May Have Early-Onset Dementia Says Republican Strategist Ana Navarro

She slams: 'Trump’s disgusting, unpresidential, narcissistic behaviour.'

CNN political commentator and Republican strategist Ana Navarro said there may be only one explanation for President Donald Trump’s attack-filled speech in Phoenix on Tuesday night.

She wrote on Twitter: 

Navarro broke ranks with her party last year, slamming Trump and endorsing Hillary Clinton during the campaign

She has since remained a harsh critic, last week calling him “unfit to be human” for his initial response to the violence in Charlottesville earlier this month, where he blamed “many sides” instead of calling out white supremacists. 

Trump on Tuesday defended that response, which led Navarro to tweet: 

Trump during his speech repeatedly attacked the media, at one point claiming cameras had been turned off despite the entire event being carried live by cable news.  

This story originally appeared on HuffPost.