Donald Trump Basically Spent Last Night Talking To Himself On Twitter

"Did he just 'so true' himself?"

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Being leader of the free world is a full-time job with little respite from all manner of incredibly important and life-changing decisions that have far-reaching consequences around the world.

It’s also a bit lonely at the top.

Which might explain why President Donald Trump took some time out last night to essentially chat to himself on Twitter.

Perusing his own feed, the president saw a comment he had made on Sunday and decided that the world needed to know he hadn’t changed his mind in the intervening two days and retweeted it with the words “So true!”.

The self-congratulation over his ironically loud tweet about a silent majority inevitably raised a few eyebrows.

And it’s not like he didn’t have anything else to do what with the country and the world being gripped by a pandemic and economic recession.

Earlier on in the day the president had lamented that an increase of coronavirus testing led to more cases of coronavirus being found, a comment that baffled people even more than his own retweet.

He said: “If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”

Ever-faithful vice president Mike Pence supported the president’s statement, both seemingly unaware that Covid-19 spreads and infects whether you test for it or not.


The US currently has the highest number of Covid-19 fatalities in the world and new cases and hospitalisations are sweeping through more states as most push ahead with reopening.

President Trump is holding an indoor rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma this Saturday and is making people signing forms saying they can’t sue him if they contract the virus.