Man Hurls Exhausted Puppy Into The Sea Repeatedly, Horrifying Bystanders (PHOTOS)

Pictures: Man Hurls Exhausted Puppy Repeatedly Into The Sea

An exhausted and dazed puppy struggled back to shore five times after a young man repeatedly hurled it into the sea in Xiamen, southern China.

People on the beach screamed at him to stop. One bystander, Mr Wang, was horrified as the man continued to throw the animal, ignoring attempts by people around him to make him stop. "That man was very cruel," said Mr Wang, "he kept throwing the puppy into the water".

The shaken puppy continued returning to shore, but eventually lost the strength to make it the beach, and sought refuge on a rock. Eventually a swimmer saved the puppy up from the rock where he was stranded.

The traumatised puppy's new owner has promised to look after him.