Faux News Reports From the Front Line of Occupy LSX

Fox New's freedom loving hetro Don Ronson bravely reports on the Occupy The Stock Exchange movement from London, England, Britain. Braving the seething proto-fascist hippy sludge he crawls deep inside the news to get to the pulsating heart of the story and deliver you the truth alive and unwashed.

Fox New's freedom loving hetro Don Ronson bravely reports on the Occupy The Stock Exchange movement from London, England, Britain. Braving the seething proto-fascist hippy sludge he crawls deep inside the news to get to the pulsating heart of the story and deliver you the truth alive and unwashed.

Starring: Jolyon Rubinstein

Camera/Edit: Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein

Animation: William Pine

Script: Jolyon Rubinstein, Heydon Prowse, Ben Ockrent

Read Jolyon's blog herehttps://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/jolyon-rubinstein/why-i-will-be-occupying-t_b_1008580.html